Identification and selection of some female fig (Ficus carica L.) genotypes from Mardin province of Turkey
Mikdat Simsek, Ersin Gulsoy, M Zeydin Kirar, Yusuf Turgut and Bedriye Yucel
Female fig genotypes in the Beyazsu region located between Nusaybin and Midyat districts (Mardin) in Turkey were selected using the weighted ranking method during years 2014-2015. Each selected genotype was identified. The total scores of the genotypes varied from 704 to 950. Fruit weight ranged from 47.68 to 72.68 g, ostiole width from 1.53 to 5.96 mm, total soluble solids (TSS) from 20.67 to 23.87% and acidity from 0.18 to 0.23%. All the genotypes had long petioles and green shoots. The leaf lobe shape was lyrate in two genotypes named MBSU16 and MBSU23, and latate in the rest of the genotypes. The tree growth habit was open in two genotypes named MBSU16 and MBSU24 but spreading in other genotypes. In conclusion, two genotypes MBSU11 and MBSU21 scored the highest in overall quality. These two genotypes should be preserved as genetic resources for future breeding programs
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