Paper Details


Evaluation of karyotype, genome size and GC content in Dianthus chinensis L.

Xue-Qin He, Nan Ma and Xi-Long Hao


Dianthus chinensis is an important ornamental species in the genus Dianthus. Its high tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses is beneficial for genetic improvements of Dianthus. In this paper, we conducted a karyotype analysis on mitotic chromosomes of D. chinensis. Its genome size (2C value) and GC content were measured by flow cytometry using propidium iodide (PI) and 4’, 6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) as dyes. The results showed that the D. chinensis has 2n = 2χ= 30 chromosomes. The chromosomes are metacentric or submetacentric. Their length varies from 1.60 ± 0.57 to 4.70 ± 0.85 µm. The estimation of its genome size is 772.53 ± 0.91 Mbp and GC content is 39.80 ± 0.12%. The cytological information of D. chinensis is helpful to clarify phylogenic relationships and assess potential plant transformation experiments among Dianthus species

To Cite this article: He, X.Q., N. Ma and X.L. Hao. 2020. Evaluation of karyotype, genome size and GC content in Dianthus chinensis L. Pak. J. Bot., 52(6): DOI:

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