Impact of irrigation frequencies and picking timings on fiber quality and seed germination of cotton varieties
Zaheer Ahmed Deho, Sawan Laghari and Saifullah Abro
Field experiment was conducted to evaluate the impact of irrigation frequencies and picking timings on seed cotton yield and yield contributing parameters of three promising cotton varieties (Sadori, Chandi-95 and Malmal). The cotton varieties were evaluated under four irrigation frequencies (five, six, seven and eight irrigations) and four cotton pickings timings based on the percent boll openings (30%, 50%, 70% and 90% boll opening). Most of the traits like sympodial branches plant -1 (14.41), seed cotton yield (2686 kgha-1), ginning out turn (36%), seed index (7.21g) and seed germination (63.47%) remained higher in variety Sadori compared to Chandi-95 and Malmal varieties. Results with respect to irrigation frequencies indicated the highest values for boll weight (3.23g), seed cotton yield (2843.8 kg ha-1), seed index (7.68g), staple length (27.61 mm) and seed oil content (20.72%) under six irrigation frequencies. The best time of picking was observed, when 50% bolls were opened, having higher boll weight (3.30 g), ginning out turn (35.32%), seed index (7.42g), staple length (27.77 mm), seed oil content (20.91%) and seed germination (74.66 %). It is concluded from the studies that the cotton picking at 50% boll opening is best and suggested to get more viable and healthy cottonseed with higher seed germination percentage. Similarly six irrigations frequencies proved better for highest seed cotton yield and fiber quality traits.
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