Comparative performance of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) through heat stress indices
Adeel Khan, Ihsan Khaliq, Munir Ahmad, Hafiz Ghulam Muhu Din Ahmed, Abdul Ghaffar Khan and Muhammad Shakir Farooq
Temperature is increasing continually which limited the production of wheat. Six spring wheat genotypes were evaluated on the basis of relative performance, heat susceptible indices (HSI) and their association with the grain yield in normal and heat stress conditions at University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan (31.43 °N, 73.06 °E) to identify thermotolerant genotypes against future climatic change. Data were recorded for phenological, physiological and morphological traits which revealed that genotypes Aas-11 and SH-95 were tolerant to heat on the basis of their relative performance and HSI. Furthermore selection of genotypes for early heading and delay maturity is suggested to develop high yielding wheat cultivars in Pakistan under heat stress. Correlation analysis revealed positive association of yield with days to maturity, days to heading, thousand grain weight, tillers per plant, stomata frequency, leaf venation and stomata size under heat stress. Direct selection for these attributes might be criteria against heat stress. Whereas grain yield was negatively correlated with HSI indicated the tolerance of genotypes under heat stress. Selection for thousand grain weight, number of seeds, stomata frequency, biomass and grain yield under heat stress would result in decreased susceptibility of genotypes to heat stress.
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