In vitro propagation of threatened brastagi citrus variety Brastepu (Citrus nobilis Brastepu) CVPD free throughshoot tips subculture
Isnaini Nurwahyuni and Riyanto Sinaga
In vitro propagation of threatened Brastagi citrus variety Brastepu (Citrus nobilis Brastepu) through shoot tip subculture was carried out to obtain good quality citrus seedling free from CVPD. Propagation of citrus plants via cutting bud technique was firstly conducted to rescue rare plant as well as to provide adequate shoot tip explants for In vitro propagation. Shoot tip explants of Citrus nobilis Brastepu were cultured in MS basal media supplemented with combinations concentrations (0-2 mg/L) of 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and (0-3 mg/L) of benzyl-amino purine (BAP) followed by subculture techniques. The results showed that subculture frequency and combination variations of growth stimulator become key role to success of citrus growth development. The best culture was obtained in D1B2 treatment of the second subculture, that was with supplementation of 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D and 1.0 mg/L BAP, resulted in the average weight of callus (2.30 g), number of embryosomatic (22.30), and the number of shoot (8.60) respectively. Subculture technique was chosen to provide nutrients for long period of incubation time. Subculture technique has improved the quality of citrus culture and be able to produced good quality citrus plantlets. Citrus culture developed normal plant in which the stem, leaves, and roots were generated. The plantlets of Citrus nobilis Brastepu were all free from CVPD. The method was efficient for mass production of Citrus nobilis Brastepu seedling to conserve threatened local Brastagi citrus.
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