Biomass and soil carbon stocks assessment in Western Himalayan alpine and subalpine vegetation zones of Kashmir
Shamshad Aziz, Fazan Masood Chughtai, Hamayun Shaheen, Raja Waqar Ahmad Khan and Muhammad Ejaz Ul Islam Dar
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) greatly emphasizes on the accurate estimation of carbon stocks at local and regional levels. The Western Himalayan alpine and subalpine highlands are a good choice to analyze carbon sequestration dynamics because of having unique and fragile ecosystems. Present study was conducted in the alpine and subalpine regions of Kashmir to estimate the biomass and soil carbon stocks. The carbon stocks in the trees, herbs and soil were estimated by using allometric equations, destructive sampling and Walkley-Black method respectively. The average carbon stocks in the alpine region were estimated to be 372.5 t/ha with biomass carbon share of 2.27 tons per hectare while the soil organic carbon stocks share was recorded as 370.6 t/ha. The total carbon stock value of subalpine zone was found to be 340.9 t/ha with biomass carbon reserves as 81.1 t/ha whereas the soil organic carbon as 261 t/ha. Soil carbon contents showed an increasing trend with increasing altitude with alpine zone having higher values as compared to subalpine region. Whereas biomass carbon values showed a negative correlation with altitude with maximum values in sub alpine region as compared to minimum in alpines. Principal Component Analysis revealed altitude as the major factor affecting the carbon stocks. Current study provides the very 1st scientific information about carbon stocks of western Himalayan highlands with diverse future implications. Carbon sequestration potential was found to be negatively affected by fuel wood extraction, over grazing and soil degradation. Sustainable management of these alpine forest is recommended to enhance the carbon stocks as well as to conserve the floristic wealth of the area
To Cite this article:
Aziz, S., F.M. Chughtai, H. Shaheen, R.W.A. Khan and M.E.I. Dar. 2019. Biomass and soil carbon stocks assessment in Western Himalayan alpine and subalpine vegetation zones of Kashmir. Pak. J. Bot., 51(3): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2019-3(18)