Suppressive effect of Populus nigra L. leaves on germination and growth competence of Triticum aestivum L.
Naila Inayat, Zahir Muhammad, Rasool Khan, Rehmanullah and Abdul Majeed
A laboratory experiment was conducted to evaluate the allelopathic potential of Populus nigra leaves in different guided bioassay on the germination and growth of four different wheat varieties i.e. Ghaznavi, Siran, Atta Habib, and Janbaz. All the extract had differential toxicity against all the four wheat varieties. Hot water extract was observed to be inhibitory than methanolic and rain leachate extract obtained. Furthermore, litter and mulching experiments had also inhibitory effects on the studied parameters. Suppressive effects were linearly correlated with extract concentration. Growth-suppressive effects of the guided-assay were recorded in the order hot water extracts ˃ methanolic extracts ˃ rain leachate extracts. It is suggested that P. nigra leaves possess phytotoxic activities, and further investigations are therefore required against challenging weeds. Filed experiments may be carried out to further expand the perceived allelopathic activities of P. nigra on other crops.
To Cite this article:
Inayat, N., Z. Muhammad, R. Khan, Rehmanullah and A. Majeed. 2019. Suppressive effect of Populus nigra L. leaves on germination and growth competence of Triticum aestivum L. Pak. J. Bot., 51(4): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2019-4(15)