Marker trait association study in wheat genotypes under normal and drought conditions using SSR markers
Sonia Munir, Muhammad Azmat, Farooq Ahmad Khan, Usman Saleem, Salman Saleem and Muhammad Salman
The study was conducted in the department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. In total 226 genotypes were grown in polythene bags and drought stress was imposed using PEG-6000 (20%) and data were collected for shoot and root length, root shoot ratio, fresh weight and dry weight. The genotypes which showed good performance for all the parameters were selected (100 genotypes) and evaluated during the next two years 2013-14 and 2014-15 under both the normal and meiotic stage (pre-anthesis) drought stress conditions. The data for the following 14 traits were recorded, numbers of days to heading, numbers of days to maturity, plants height, peduncle length, spike length, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, spikelets / spike, grains number / spike, grains weight / spike, tillers / plant, 1000 grain weight and with yield per plant. The significant results were shown by the genotypes, environment and (G x E) their interaction for almost all the parameters studied. The DNA of these 100 genotypes was extracted and 25 SSR markers were applied. It was concluded that about nine of the markers were linked with nine parameters studied and the level of probable was taken as one percent and phenotypic changes ranged between 14 to 32% under the water stress condition. And under the normal, irrigated conditions only 6 markers were found to be linked and the phenotypic variability ranged from 14 to 22%. The SSR marker CFA2086 showed significant association with 1000 grain weight under normal as well as under drought conditions. The 5 markers such as WMC382, CFA2086, CFA2121, CFA2263 and WMC2610 were associated with spikelets per spike which could be considered as trait specific MTA.
To Cite this article:
Munir, S., M. Azmat, F.A. Khan, U. Saleem, S. Saleem and M. Salman. 2020. Marker trait association study in wheat genotypes under normal and drought conditions using SSR markers. Pak. J. Bot., 52(2): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-2(30)