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Osyris (Osyris alba L.) updates, the illustrated threatening parasite to fruit and forestry trees in Jordan

Jamal R. Qasem


Field trips carried out in different parts of Jordan showed that Osyris alba L. is parasitizing certain fruit and forestry species of different plant families. The parasite was found attached to the root system of olive, grape, almond, figs and plum, and on forestry trees of cypress, orange wattle, Aleppo pine, Palestine buckthorn and wild pistachio. In addition, different common wild shrubs including the widely spread thorny burnet and spiny broom were severely attacked. The parasite growth mass was different on different hosts. Cypress, olive, almond and grapes were heavily attacked while Aleppo pine showed low infestation. O. alba may exhibit host preference, since it caused death to several fruit and forest species including olive in certain sites. Farmers indicated that birds and mainly the yellow vented bulbul, commonly found in different places, is the main dispersing agent of parasite seeds since it feeds on the abundantly produced berry fruits. The infected hosts and the parasite were photographed and illustrated. In conclusion, the parasite is spreading on economic fruit and forestry species and has the potential to spread into other geographical regions. The heavily attacked thorny burnet and spiny broom may be regarded as a source of parasite infestation since common in different regions. The parasite may be considered as a serious threat to important tree species in the country.

To Cite this article: Qasem, J.R. 2019. Osyris (Osyris alba L.) updates, the illustrated threatening parasite to fruit and forestry trees in Jordan. Pak. J. Bot., 52(1): DOI:

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