Paper Details


Line × tester analysis for studying various agronomic and yield related traits in field tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

Atif Akram, Taj Naseeb Khan, Nasir Mahmood Minhas, Nausherwan Nobel Nawab, Ahsan Javed, Saba Rashid, Muhammad Jawaad Atif and Shamim Ul Sibtain Shah


Performance of nine hybrids along with six genotypes including three lines (Roma, Nagina and Continental) and three testers (Peto-86, Riograndi and Naqeeb) was studied following Line × Tester design. Variances due to treatments, parents, crosses and Line × Tester were found significant for all traits apart from clusters plant-1 in parents. Predominance of non-additive gene action was observed for all the traits excepting days to 50% flowering and maturity. Thus heterosis breeding may be rewarding for genetic enhancement of such characters. Tester’s contribution towards total variance was higher in comparison to lines. Line × tester contributed significantly in plant height, clusters plant-1, fruit length, fruit width and average fruit weight. Based on GCA effects, the tester Naqeeb and line Nagina performed better for yield and its related components. Similarly while considering SCA effects, two cross combinations viz., Riograndi × Continental and Naqeeb × Roma were perceived as potential crosses with desirable SCA values for increased yield and are recommended for further evaluation

To Cite this article: Akram, A., T.N. Khan, N.M. Minhas, N.N. Nawab, A. Javed, S. Rashid, M.J. Atif and S.S. Shah. 2019. Line × tester analysis for studying various agronomic and yield related traits in field tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Pak. J. Bot., 51(5): DOI:

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