Molecular diagnosis of begomovirus associated with yellow vein mosaic disease of Urena lobata
Sayed Sartaj Sohrab, Md. Abdul Ilah, Ihsanullah Daur and Azamal Husen
Urena lobata L. is a commonly growing weed usually called as Caesar Weed, or Congo Jute. A begomoviral suspected disease was observed on many Urena lobata plants. The begomoviral association was confirmed by applying coat protein gene as well as betasatellites primers. The full length and betasatellites molecules were cloned and sequenced. The total sequence had 2742 nt in full length while betasatellites had 1340 nt. The analysis of full-length sequenses revealed the highest identities (99.8%) with Bhendi yellow vein mosaic virus-Okra from Tamil Nadu (FJ176236). The betasatellites sequences had identity (92.8%) with MYVMB-Aurangabad-Okra (GU111977) followed BYVMB-Okra isolates from Raichur (92.7%) as well as Varanasi (92.3%). The phylogenetic analysis of full genome showed the closest relationship with Bhendi yellow vein mosaic virus isolates from Tamil Nadu as well as New Delhi. The full betasatellites molecule clustered with Bhendi yellow vein mosaic betasatellites isolates from Coimbatore, Raichur, Aurangabad and Varanasi. Based on the results generated, the begomovirus causing disease of U. lobata was identified as a variant of BYVMV in India.
To Cite this article:
Sohrab, S.S., M. Abdul Ilah, I. Daur and A. Husen. 2019. Molecular diagnosis of begomovirus associated with yellow vein mosaic disease of Urena lobata. Pak. J. Bot., 51(5): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2019-5(43)