Paper Details


Chemical control of whip smut of sugarcane caused by Sporisorium scitamineum

Muhammad Aslam Rajput, Rehana Naz Syed, Muhammad Ali Khanzada, Nasir Ahmed Rajput, Fahad Nazir Khoso and Abdul Mubeen Lodhi


Whip smut of sugarcane is considered as the most important disease of sugarcane and occurrs in almost all sugarcane producing regions of the world, including Pakistan. In many cases, the use of the chemical fungicides becomes indispensable to combat destructive plant diseases, which otherwise cause heavy economical losses. Fungicides not only eradicate smut from the planting material, but also prevent re-infection when they are used as a pre-plant treatment of setts. During the present investigation, setts are inoculated with teliospores suspension of Ustilago scitaminea and treated with eleven different fungicides. Pre-inoculated setts are dipped for 30 minutes in hot fungicide solution, ambient fungicide solution. Hot and ambient water without fungicides serves as control. Most of the fungicide treatments significantly improved sett germination and check the smut development. For most of the quantitative and qualitative parameters, Bayleton, Bavistan and Tilt provide better results, as compared to the other fungicides. Based on the results we conclude that the effectiveness of fungicides increase more when applied as hot water fungicidal dip than ambient fungicidal dip.

To Cite this article: Rajput, M.A., R.N. Syed, M.A. Khanzada, N.A. Rajput, F.N. Khoso and A.M. Lodhi. 2019. Chemical control of whip smut of sugarcane caused by Sporisorium scitamineum. Pak. J. Bot., 51(5): DOI:

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