Interactive effect of deficit irrigation and mulching on sugar beet productivity in Pakistan
Abdul Malik, Abdul Sattar Shakir, Naveedullah, Muhammad Jamal Khan, Muhammad Latif, Muhammad Shahzad Khattak and Taj Ali Khan
In dry regions, irrigated agriculture is facing increasing demand for decreasing water resources. For sustainable and efficient use of the available water resources, field scale water saving strategies must be applied to enhance water productivity and crop yield. Deficit irrigation application along with suitable soil moisture conservation technique is one of the strategies and its successful application depends on crop response to different water stress levels. This research paper presents results of two years (2011–12 and 2012–13) study carried out at Sugar Crops Research Institute (SCRI) Mardan, to determine the effect of different irrigation deficit levels applied throughout the crop growing season and different types of mulching on productivity of sugar beet. The field experiments included four water stress levels designated as FI (full irrigation), DI20, DI40, DI60 (20, 40 and 60 percent deficit irrigation levels) and three moisture conservation practices; No mulch (NM), black polyethylene film mulch (BFM) and straw mulch (SM), respectively. Results revealed that different water stress levels and mulching combination produced significant effects on yield of sugar beet and its water productivity. The highest mean root yield was produced by FI– BFM combination and the highest mean sugar yield by DI20–BFM treatment. Results further revealed that the relative amounts of irrigation water saved by irrigation regimes and mulching interaction was ranged from 5.83 to 66.53% and the relative reduction in seasonal water used was ranged between 2 and 47%, respectively. The mean root and sugar water productivities observed in this study were lowest for FI and NM combination and the highest for DI60 and BFM. Overall finding of this study is that deficit irrigation and mulching can save water and improve its water productivity significantly.
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