Paper Details


Effect of different growth regulators on In vitro propagation of Brassica napus L.

Sarwat Naz, Muhammad Faheem Siddiqui and Saboohi Raza


A large amount of foreign exchange is expending to import the edible oil in Pakistan. The improvement of local oil producing varieties such as canola may play a vital role for better socio-economic condition of Pakistan. Plant tissue culture technique is one of the methods for crop improvement through somaclonal variation. The present study was conducted to evaluate the response of different explants including hypocotyl, leaf, node and cotyledon of canola (Brassica napus L.) on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 2,4-D, NAA, IBA, BAP, 2,4-D+BAP at various concentrations. Each explant responds differently in the presence of phytohormones. The best callus was obtained at 0.1 mg/l 2,4-D with hypocotyl explants. The optimized calli was further shifted to different shooting media supplemented with BAP (0-3mg/l), without or with silver nitrate (5mg/l) and BAP (2mg/l) with or without Kinetin (0-3mg/l). The maximum number of shoots was formed on MS media containing 5mg/l silver nitrate and 2mg/l BAP. The elongated shoots were inoculated on different rooting media containing half MS media augmented with or without IBA at different concentrations. The maximum root regeneration was noticed on hormone free half MS media. The present study will be useful for indirect propagation of Brassica napus, which could be utilised for crop improvement of via somaclonal variation

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