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Phtyto-chemical composition, antimicrobial and phyto-toxic activity of Angelica glauca (Apiaceae)

Khaleeq-Uz-Zaman, Jehan Bakht, Mohammad Shafi and Iqbal Munir


Medicinal and aromatic plants produce different bio-compounds which are used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and drug industries. In vitro phytotoxic, antibacterial activities as well as phytochemical screening of various fractions from the root of Angelica glauca were investigated. The data revealed that all the extracted fractions showed variable antibacterial activities. Klebsiella pneumonia was the most resistant bacterial strain and Xanthomonas compestris was the most sensitive. Ethyl acetate, chloroform, methanol and petroleum ether fractions showed inhibitory activities against all the tested strains. Chloroform fraction showed highest activity followed by ethyl acetate while butanol and aqueous extracted samples were found least responsive against the tested strains. Ethyl acetate and chloroform extracts measured maximum antifungal activity. Butanol and n-hexane extracted samples showed maximum phytotoxic activity while water fractions showed lowest phytotoxic activity. Phyto-chemical analysis revealed the presence of proteins and carbohydrates in all the extracts, however, the presence of tannins was not confirmed in any fraction. Alkaloids were reported in different fractions excluding n-hexane, water and ethyl acetate. Similarly, saponines were present only in butanol and water extracted samples. Lipids were found in all the extracted samples except methanol, water and petroleum ether extracted samples while sterols were found in all extracts except butanol and water.

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