Ethnobotanical indices based ethnoveterinary plant profile of Jabban hills, Malakand and Hindukush range, Pakistan
Barkatullah, Muhsin Khan, Habib Ahmad, Muhammad Saleem Khan and Abdul Razzaq
Seventy-one plant species of ethnoveterinary usage were reported during the survey conducted in 2016-17, from Jaban Hills, District Malakand, hindukush range, Pakistan. Highest usage value (8.66%) was found for plants used for relieving skin problems and as galactagogue in cattles. 7.87% of reported plant species were used for wound healing followed by species used as anti-dyspepsia (7.08%), anti-constipation (5.51%), anti-diarrheal, antitussive and anthelmintic (4.72% each), as diuretic and carminative (3.93% each). The percentage of plant used other veterinary usage like general tonic, febrifuge, analgesic, coolant, abortifacient, curing eye and udder disorders and releaving problems during after birth processes in cattles were ecorded a total of 40.15%. The most frequently used part was shoot (21.21%), followed by leaf (12.12%), whole plant (10.10%), fruit (9.09%), root (8.08%) and seeds (7.07%). Species with highest RFC values were Ailanthus altissima (0.5), Ajuga bracteosa (0.43), Rumex hastatus (0.33), Dodonaea viscosa (0.23), and Melia azedarach (0.21). Species with highest Use values include Ailanthus altissima (0.87), Rumex hastatus (0.73), Ajuga bracteosa (0.44), Melia azedarach (0.45) and Dodonaea viscosa (0.39). As this area is blessed with high number of ethnomedicinal plants and high usage of herbal drugs used for veterinary purposes may be accompanied with certain adverse effects therefore, further investigation is required to explore more informations and to determine safe usage of the herbal drugs
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