Megaspore morphology of Chinese Selaginellaceae and its taxonomic significance
Yanshuang Liu and Jiaxi Liu
The megaspore morphology of 15 species of the genus Selaginella P. Beauv. (Selaginellaceae Willk.) using scanning electron microscopy was carried out. Of the 15 species, megaspore morphology S. arbuscula and S. drepanophylla are reported for the first time. On the basis of megaspore surface ornamentations five major megaspore types are recognized: granulate, tuberculate, verrucate, verrucate-rugulate and reticulate. The morphological characteristics of megaspores are useful in the subgeneric classification. However, the classification using megaspore morphological characteristics showed disagreement with the classifications reported in the literature. Therefore, the subgeneric relationships of the genus Selaginella need to be further studied
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