Paper Details


Potato production in Pakistan: challenges and prospective management strategies - a review

Abdul Majeed and Zahir Muhammad


Potato is an important agricultural crop widely grown in different agro-climatic conditions of Pakistan and throughout the world. It is one of the four major staples which has a significant contribution to national domestic consumption and food needs. Despite the ease in cultivation and fewer labor requirements, potato productivity in Pakistan is not yet promising as compared to neighboring India and Bangladesh. Low productivity of the crop in Pakistan is due to several biotic, abiotic stresses and the relatively limited allocation of land. Different biotic constraints, including pathogenic diseases such as late blight, early blight, bacterial wilt, viral infections and nematodal parasites have a tremendous impact on potato production. Temperature extremes, nutrient deficit soil, drought, salinity, poor irrigation water, lack of availability of quality seed potatoes are among the abiotic stresses which pose challenges to potato productivity. Moreover, the allocation of the significantly lower area for the harvest to potato cultivation than other crops is also among the important underlying issues which result in substantial low yields of potato in Pakistan. The aim of this review is to highlight factors influencing potato production in Pakistan and to suggest prospective measures which can manage the challenges associated with yield and production and crop losses of potato in the country.

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