Paper Details


Variability of qualitative features of Plagiothecium nemorale in central and eastern Europe

Grzegorz J. Wolski


The most frequently indicated taxonomically significant features among species of the genus Plagiothecium are qualitative features. However, there are no articles in the literature which describe the analysis of variability or provide the statistical analysis of these features. The material for this research came from Central and Eastern Europe, from the largest Herbaria in: Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia and Ukraine. 2 107 specimens described as P. nemorale sensu lato were revised, out of which 140 specimens were selected for detailed research. They were tested for 11 qualitative features and statistically analysed. The analyses show that the studied features to a different extent co-exist with each other and among the tested specimens two groups can be distinguished. In addition, we can indicate that four features make it possible to distinguish specimens belonging to particular groups: the shape (SHA), the serrations of the leaf apex (SEA), and the shape of the cells from the top and middle part of the leaf (SC1, SC2).  

To Cite this article: Wolski, G.J. 2019. Variability of qualitative features of Plagiothecium nemorale in central and eastern Europe. Pak. J. Bot., 51(3): DOI:

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