Population structure and dynamics of the endangered tree Tetracentron sinense Oliver
Wenying Li, Huaichun Li, Xiaohong Gan, Xuemei Zhang and Zengli Fan
Tetracentron sinense is an endangered tree in China in appendix III of CITES. The current status and dynamics of wild population of T. sinense are unknown, but are vital to its conservation. Diameter at breast height (or basal height for individuals <2.5 m) of all individuals of the T. sinense population in Meigu Dafengding Nature Reserve was investigated. Population size structure, time-specific life tables, survival analysis, and time series analysis were used to analyze the conservation status and dynamics of a natural population. The size structure of the population showed a spindle shape, with few younger individuals (including seedling and sapling) being present, and more middle-aged and aged individuals. The survival curve was a Deevey-type II. The mortality rate, killing power, mortality density, and hazard rate of the population all peaked in the 6th and 12th age-classes. In the first six age-classes, survival rate decreased monotonically, while the cumulative mortality rate rapidly increased, after which the change in trend became relatively gentle. The population size is expected to decrease rapidly in the future 6 and 12 age-classes. The result showed that the natural population was relatively stable, but was in the early stage of decline. The population size of T. sinense in Meigu Dafengding Reserve decreased during the early stage, stabilized in middle stage, and declined in the final stage. The lack of seedlings or saplings might reflect f bottleneck in the regeneration of T. sinense natural population.
To Cite this article:
Li, W., H. Li, X. Gan, X. Zhang and Z. Fan. 2020. Population structure and dynamics of the endangered tree Tetracentron sinense Oliver. Pak. J. Bot., 52(2): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-2(4)