Impact of bioaccumulation of nickel on growth, seed yield and mineral uptake of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties
Saima Batool
A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the bioaccumulation of nickel in chickpea Cicer arietinum L. and its impact on growth, seed yield and mineral contents. NiCl2 as nickel treatment was applied in solution form (25 mg L-1, 50 mg L-1, 100 mg L-1 and 150 mg L-1) to the soil. A significant decreasing trend in shoot length, number of branches, number of leaves and biomass yield was observed for all treatments as compared to control one. Accumulation of nickel in plant shoots was gradually increased with increasing concentrations of nickel application. Contents of Na+, K+ and Ca2+ in shoots were significantly reduced for all treatments which might be due to some interaction of nickel with the uptake of mineral nutrients by the roots and their distribution through the shoots.
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