Heavy metal accumulation in plants of Atyrau region
Zarina Inelova, Svetlana Nesterova, Gulzhan Yerubayeva, Yessimsiitova Zura, Kalamkas Seitkadyr and Yelena Zaparina
This article represents data on determination of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Mn, Co, Ni) in the samples of dominant plants and soils of Atyrau region in Kazakhstan. High population density and enhanced agriculture and industrial activity are main reasons for pollution and degradation of vegetation in these areas. Accumulation of heavy metals in forage plants and subsequent transfer of metals along the food chain might have a negative impact on the health of the population. The areas for sample collection were as follows: Point 1 (Atyrau, farm, Ulan), Point 2 (Kulsary, v. Turgysba) and Point 3 (v. Inder, farm, Isayev). The ability for heavy metal accumulation was different in various plant species. It was revealed that Artemisia terrae-albae was able to accumulate the highest concentration of the heavy metals namely lead, zinc, nickel and manganese compared with the other species. Tamarix ramosissima and Ceratocarpus arenarius were distinctive as having the least amount of heavy metals compared with the other species growing in similar environmental conditions. In all the studied areas the content of heavy metals was within the maximum permissible level. However, it was observed that the insignificant evaluation of zinc and cobalt up to 1.09-1.72 MPC might be related to physiographic and geologic factors of the studied area.
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