Biochemical characterization and allergenic potential of Cenchrus pennisetiformis Hochst. & Steud. ex Steud. pollen grains
Shaista Zeb, Anjum Perveen and Muneeba Khan
Pollen of grasses have been recognized as major aeroallergens. It is reported that grass pollen may trigger respiratory allergies particularly allergic rhinitis and asthma in approximately 40% of allergy patients worldwide. In most of the aerobiological surveys, Grasses pollen were observed in highest concentration in various parts of the world. The present study was designed to analyze the biochemical properties of Cenchrus pennisetiformis Hochst. & Steud. ex Steud. pollen grains. The pollen were subjected to quantitative estimation of proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, phenols and reducing sugars. Protein qualitative analysis was also done by SDS-PAGE in order to identify the allergenic properties of Cenchrus pennisetiformis pollen. The study results showed that Cenchrus pennisetiformis pollen contained 19.66mg/g proteins, 71.29mg/g carbohydrates, amino acid 12.23 mg/g, phenols 1.47 mg/g and reducing sugars 8.29 mg/g. SDS-PAGE analysis showed 13 protein bands with a range of molecular weight 28-110kDa. The pollen grains of this grass contained low molecular weight protein bands which might cause allergic rhinitis or elicit other allergy symptoms on the exposure to this grass. Thus Cenchrus pennisetiformis can be characterized as pollen allergy causing grass
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