Morphometric characteristic, nutritional value and antioxidant activity of Sararanga sinuosa Hemsley (Pandanaceae) during ripening: a native berries of Papua, Indonesia
Vita Purnamasari, Nelly Lunga and Simon B Widjanarko
Fruit of Sararanga sinousa Hemsley is called as “Anggur Papua” or “grape Papua” by local people. S. sinousa is endemic to Papua and its fruits are classified as berries. Morphometric characteristic (weight and diameter), nutritional values: namely proximate composition, soluble solids content, titratable acidity, pH, pectin, ascorbic acid and analysis of antioxidant activity (DPPH assay) of the fruits at three different ripening stages were determined. The weight and diameter of S. sinousa fruit did not differ at different ripening stage viz. At greenish-white, orange-red and red fruit stages. The nutritional value of S. sinousa fruit showed that proteins content, fat and pH remained unchanged as colour of fruit developed from greenish-white to orange-red and red. However, total carbohydrates, soluble solids content, ratio of soluble solids content: titratable acidity, pectin and ascorbic acid were increased significantly, despite the decrease of TA. The antioxidant activity determinated by DPPH method and be avowed as IC50 showed that greenish-white fruit and red fruit had higher values than orange-red fruits. Fruits of S. sinousa are alike berries from morphometric characteristic and nutritional value point of view. Based on soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), ratio of SSC/TA and pH, fruits of S.sinousa can be processed into juice, jam and jelly. The greenish-white and red fruit ripening stages of S. sinousa are considered to be potential source of natural antioxidant
To Cite this article:
Purnamasari, V., N. Lunga and S.B. Widjanarko. 2020. Morphometric characteristic, nutritional value and antioxidant activity of Sararanga sinuosa Hemsley (Pandanaceae) during ripening: a native berries of Papua, Indonesia. Pak. J. Bot., 52(2): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-2(1)