Gentiopicrin and swertiamarin contents in Gentiana macrophylla Pall. roots along elevation gradient in Donglingshan meadow, Beijing, China
Sehrish Sadia, Beenish Aftab, Akash Tariq, Jin-Tun Zhang and Abdul Razaq
Quality and quantity of chemical constituents in medicinal plants highly depends on environmental conditions. The contents of active constituents in Gentiana macrophylla Pall. may vary among different altitudes of mountain meadows and are affected by environmental factors. The aim of this study was to find the effect of environmental factors on Gentiopicrin and Swertiamarin contents in G. macrophylla roots along elevation gradient of Donglingshan meadow. Plant and environmental data were collected from 15 altitudes (50m distance away from each other) along 1600-2301 m elevation gradient by using Braun Blanquet approach. The contents of Gentiopicrin and Swertiamarin were estimated by using High Performance Liquid Chromatography method. Relationship among Gentiopicrin and Swertiamarin contents, soil and other environmental variables was depicted by using Canoco 5 and SPSS software. Regression analysis showed that Gentiopicrin is strongly affected by Elevation, Slope aspect, Soil pH, Soil temperature, Total Nitrogen. Swertiamarin concentration is strongly affected by slope, soil pH and Magnesium. Gentiopicrin contents have statistical significant relation with elevation gradient as compared to Swertiamarin. Insight of important bioactive compounds provided by this study would be helpful for medicine quality control, conservation of G. macrophylla and discovery of new drugs.
To Cite this article:
Sadia, S., B. Aftab, A. Tariq, J.T. Zhang and A. Razaq. 2020. Gentiopicrin and swertiamarin contents in Gentiana macrophylla Pall. roots along elevation gradient in Donglingshan meadow, Beijing, China. Pak. J. Bot., 52(1): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-1(31)