Establishment of selection criteria for fibre quality characters in segregating F4 and F5 generations of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Anam Rasheed, Sajjad Haidar and Amjad Hameed
The Research work was conducted at NIAB, Faisalabad and consists of three combinations of both F4 and F5 populations along with their parents and check varieties. In F4 generation significant differences for fibre strength and lint weight were observed whereas in F5 generation significant difference in micronaire, maturity, fibre length, fibre strength, lint weight were observed. Cross combination NIAB-2008 x MNH-886 form F4 generation and from F5, cross combination NIAB-852 x MNH-886 followed by NIAB-777 x MNH-886 showed high mean values for fibre maturity, lint weight, micronaire and seed cotton yield per plant. In F4 and F5 generations, seed cotton yield per plant was significantly and positively correlated with ginning out turn (GOT %), fibre maturity, fibre length, micronaire and lint weight at genotypic level. In both F4 and F5, path coefficient analysis showed that ginning out turn, fibre uniformity, fibre strength and lint weight had direct positive effects on seed cotton yield at both phenotypic and genotypic lecel. From the present findings it is concluded that cotton breeders can enhance the efficiency of selection with the help of information generated on the relationship between components associated with fibre quality and yield itself in the early generations. Both F4 and F5 generations exhibited highest direct effects combined with positive correlation in ginning out turn%, fibre length and lint weight with seed cotton yield. The result showed that while making seslection these fibre traits should be given more emphasis.
To Cite this article:
Rasheed, A., S. Haidar and A. Hameed. 2020. Establishment of selection criteria for fibre quality characters in segregating F4 and F5 generations of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Pak. J. Bot., 52(5): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-5(23)