Correlation and path analysis of morphological parameters contributing to yield in rice (Oryza sativa) under drought stress
Muhammad Asim Bhutta, Sana Munir, Muhammad Kamran Qureshi, Ahmad Naeem Shahzad, Kashif Aslam, Hamid Manzoor and Ghulam Shabir
Current experiment is conducted to study correlation and path analysis among morphological traits and their contribution towards yield under normal and drought stress using twenty diverse rice genotypes at Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan. Genotypes were significantly varied (p<0.01-0.05) in yield and yield related traits. In addition, growth (Plant height, r2 = 0.17**) and yield attributes such as panicle length (0.49**), grains/ panicle (0.69**), grain weight/ panicle (0.99**), tillers/ plant (0.14) and 1000-grain weight (0.11*) were positively correlated in all genotypes under normal or drought stress conditions. Among genotypes, highest plant height was observed in Basmati-140 (43.13cm) comparatively to lowest was found in Sufaida 20 (26.27cm) under drought condition. Plant height was significantly reduced under drought stress than control condition in Munji 78B-1 from 64.71cm to 35.30cm, respectively. Drought drastically affected the yield/plant in different genotypes. Under drought stress, Harandi-379, Munji-78B-1 and Basmati-242 performed well for yield/plant with values of 7.54g, 7.69g and 9.28g, respectively. Grain weight/panicle showed highest positive effect (0.914 and 0.788) on yield/ plant and followed by spikelet fertility (0.022 and 0.056) under both drought and normal conditions, respectively. Results suggest that grain weight/panicle, 1000 seed weight and plant height can be used as selection indices for drought resistance
To Cite this article:
Bhutta, M.A., S. Munir, M.K. Qureshi, A.N. Shahzad, K. Aslam, H. Manzoor and G. Shabir. 2019. Correlation and path analysis of morphological parameters contributing to yield in rice (Oryza sativa) under drought stress. Pak. J. Bot.., DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2019-1(28)