Effects of environmental factors on species diversity among the plant communities in the Mount Lao nature reserve, Shandong province of China
Wei Li, Jinming Yang, Haifang Li and Cuiping Zhang
As species diversity plays a key role in ecosystem stability and vegetation restoration, this study investigated the relationship between soil properties and species diversity in the Lao Nature Reserve, Shandong Province of China, which has remained poorly understood to date. Forty vegetation sites (30 m × 30 m) were examined in the Lao Nature Reserve. Soil moisture, soil organic matter, total nitrogen, soil available potassium, soil available phosphorus, pH, and plant communities were accessed for each site. Two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) were used to depict the relationship among the plant communities and soil properties. Species accumulation curves indicated that samples from these 40 permanent sites were statistically sufficient for analyzing the species composition. TWINSPAN analysis showed that the forest communities could be classified into nine types. A negative relationship was detected between the plant diversity, the soil water content, and pH. The species diversity index for these communities were differentially affected by soil factors. CCA results indicated the influences of site factors on the distribution and composition of plant communities. Our study provides the theoretical basis for the management and protection of the Nature Reserve in the future.
To Cite this article:
Wei Li, Jinming Yang, Haifang Li and Cuiping Zhang - Effects of environmental factors on species diversity among the plant communities in the Mount Lao nature reserve, Shandong province of China. Pak. J. Bot., 52(4): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-4(42)