Paper Details


New records of Russula species from Pakistan

Abdul Razaq, Abdul Qayoom Rajput and Saleem Shahzad


Species of Russula is characterized by a very variable colored cap that is first convex then flattened and slightly depressed and eventually cracks into small fragments. Stem is usually fairly stout; gills narrow and adnexed; Spores broadly ellipsoid, sub-spherical to spherical and spiny. The present report describes new records of fourspecies of Russula viz., R. cyanoxantha, R. grata, R. nitidaand R. olivacea from Gilgit-Baltistan. Of these, R. olivacea, R. grata and R. nitidaare reported for the first time from Pakistan

To Cite this article: Razaq, A., A.Q. Rajput and S. Shahzad. 2019. New records of Russula species from Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot.., 51(1): DOI:

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