Allelopathic potential of Carica papaya against selected weeds of wheat crop
Tauseef Anwar, Noshin Ilyas, Rahmatullah Qureshi and Muhammad Azeem Malik
The present study was aimed at screening allelopathic potential of papaya (Carica papaya L.) leaf solvent extracts and by using sandwich method (dried powder) against some major weeds of wheat viz. Phalaris minor, Avena fatua, Chenopodium album, Euphorbia helioscopia and Rumex dentatus on filter paper and soil. Amongst them, methanolic extracts showed highest seed germination inhibition of E. helioscopia (50%), followed by P. minor (45%) and A. fatua (41%). Similarly, radical length of R. dentatus was inhibited by 50%, followed by 49% in P. minor, while the plumule length of C. album and P. minor was inhibited by 49% and 48%, respectively. Sandwich bioassay also exhibited inhibitory effects on soil medium having germination inhibition of 57% for E. helioscopia, followed by 49% for P. minor and 39% for A. fatua. The radical length was inhibited best for R. dentatus and P. minor with 41% and 35%, respectively. On the other hand, plumule length was inhibited by 45% in C. album and 33% in P. minor. Based on the results, it is concluded that C. papaya showed good allelopathic activity that can be used in herbicide screening program for weed control.
To Cite this article:
Anwar, T., N. Ilyas, R. Qureshi and M.A. Malik. 2019. Allelopathic potential of Carica papaya against selected weeds of wheat crop. Pak. J. Bot.., 51(1): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2019-1(37)