Paper Details


Bioinformatics studies of OSGLP8-12 gene from Oryza sativa (Japonica) reveal its role in conferring resistance against disease and stresses

Irfan Safdar Durrani, Asad Jan, Shaheen Shah, Aqib Iqbal, Dawood Ahmad, Habibiullah Khan and Syed Muhammad Saqlain Naqvi


Plants, from Myxomycetes to Gymnosperms has been found to contain ubiquitous proteins namely Germins. These proteins are found to express mainly during plant development; that is specifically confined, to specific organs including seeds, roots, shoots, fruits and nectar glands. Additionally, these proteins are, also found to express in response to different biotic and abiotic stress conditions. The current study was conducted by exploiting different bioinformatics tools in order to analyze OSGLP8-12 gene sequence for various parameters. Phylogenetic analysis of this gene reveled the clustering of this gene with other homologous genes in: group 2A and that was very close to another Germin like protein gene namely Germin like protein gene 8-3, the disease resistance gene. The OsGLP8-12 gene along with other homologous genes was selected from phylogenetic tree and subject to Genevestigator in order to find/ predict the functions associated with OsGLP8-12 gene. The gene under study was found to express in various plant organs variably, with high expression in mid early stage of plant development in different developmental stages. With reference to the induction of this gene by different biotic and abiotic factors, the gene was found to show strong expression in response to both factors. These findings suggest the involvement of this gene in development as well as biotic and abiotic stresses.

To Cite this article: Durrani, I.S., A. Jan, S. Shah, A. Iqbal, D. Ahmad, H. Khan and S.M.S. Naqvi. 2020. Bioinformatics studies of OSGLP8-12 gene from Oryza sativa (Japonica) reveal its role in conferring resistance against disease and stresses. Pak. J. Bot., 52(2): DOI:

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