Leaf architecture and its systematic significance in Aceraceae from China
Limin Cao, Louis Philippe Ronse De Craene, Yanfen Chang, Wen Liu, Limin Cao and Ming Cao
Leaf architecture of 30 species representing 2 genera of Aceraceae in China was investigated for the first time. Within the 30 species, 10 species are found with an actinodromous venation pattern, while 20 species are found with a pinnate venation pattern. Within the 20 species with pinnate venation, 10 species are camptodromous, while the other 10 species are craspedodromous. Four types of leaf teeth are detected, viz. entire, toothed, lobed and partite. The secondary veins of most species are unbranched, except for Acer cordatum. Most species have obvious intersecondary veins, except for 4 species, i.e., Dipteronia sinensis, D. dyerana, Acer davidii and A. maximowiczii. All species have both reticulate and percurrent tertiary veins, except for A. pentaphyllum, which has only reticulate tertiary veins. All species are found with irregular areoles, except for A. pentaphyllum which is found to be regular. Veinlets are simple, branched or absent. A key to the genera and sections of Aceraceae mainly based on leaf architecture characters is presented.
To Cite this article:
Cao, L., L.P.R. De-Craene, Y. Chang, W. Liu, L. Cao and M. Cao. 2020. Leaf architecture and its systematic significance in Aceraceae from China. Pak. J. Bot., 52(6): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-6(25)