Production of drought tolerant transgenic soybean expressing codA gene under regulation of a water stress inducible promoter
Dong Thi Ta, Dung Manh Ngo, Nhung Hong Nguyen, Ngoc Bich Pham, Phat Tien Do and Ha Hoang Chu
Currently, drought stress has been known as a critical abiotic factors limiting crop production around the world. Several genes associated with water stresses, including codA gene encoded for choline oxidase, have been characterized and transferred to several important crops to enhance the tolerance to drought stress. Therefore, in this study, codA gene under the regulation of a drought inducible promoter-rd29A was introduced into soybean using the Agrobacterium-mediated method. The presence of codA gene in transgenic soybeans was confirmed by PCR and Southern hybridization. Under drought stress treatments, transgenic soybeans showed an enhanced seedling growth and plant biomass as compared to non-transformed soybeans. Moreover, the contents of glycine betaine and free proline, two major organic osmolytes as well as peroxidase activity were found increased in codA transgenic soybean. The malondialdehyde content in transformed soybeans decreased by less than 50% relative to control soybean plants under drought stress conditions. This is the first report on the utilization of the codA gene to improve drought tolerance in soybeans.
To Cite this article:
Ta, D.T., D.M. Ngo, N.H. Nguyen, N.B. Pham, P.T. Do and H.H. Chu. 2020. Production of drought tolerant transgenic soybean expressing codA gene under regulation of a water stress inducible promoter. Pak. J. Bot., 52(3): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-3(32)