Integrated control of Jungle rice in hybrid maize through sorghum allelopathy
Sheheryar, Ejaz Ahmad Khan and Iqtidar Hussain
Sorghum allelopathy has long been utilized as a bio-control technique for unwanted flora in economic crops and circumvent undue dependency on chemical weed control. An experiment was conducted during kharif season of 2017 to examine the integration of sorghum water extract (SWE), sorghum mulch (SM) and half dose of post emergence herbicide mesotrione + atrazine (MA50) for controlling jungle rice in hybrid maize (HC-8080). The treatments included; T0: Check, T1: Full dose (1250 ml ha-1) of mesotrione + atrazine (MA100), T2: Half dose (625 ml ha-1) of mesotrione + atrazine (MA50), T3: SWE @ 15 L ha-1 + 625 ml ha-1 (1/2 dose) of mesotrione + atrazine (MA50), T4: SM @ 8 t ha-1 + 625 ml ha-1 (1/2 dose) of mesotrione + atrazine (MA50), T5: SM @ 8 t ha-1 + SWE @ 15 L ha-1 and T6: SM @ 8 t ha-1 + SWE @ 15 L ha-1 + 625 ml ha-1 (1/2 dose) of mesotrione + atrazine (MA50). The results of the study unveiled that combination of SWE + SM + MA50 reduced the fresh weed biomass by 84.82% and dry weed biomass by 87.37% and increased all the agronomic parameters eventually registering maximum kernel yield (4.80 t ha-1). Overall, the response of this treatment was similar as that of standard herbicide dose. Therefore it was concluded that standard dose of mesotrione + atrazine herbicide can be reduced to half with the integration of sorghum water extract and sorghum mulch which will ensure efficient and eco-friendly control of jungle rice
To Cite this article:
Sheheryar, E.A. Khan and I. Hussain. 2019. Integrated control of Jungle rice in hybrid maize through sorghum allelopathy. Pak. J. Bot., 51(2): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2019-2(7)