Productive role of agroforestry system in context of ecosystem services in district Dir lower, Pakistan
Muhammad Hayat, Tianshan Zha, Syed Moazzam Nizami, Saeed Gulzar, Alamgir Khan, Sundas Iqbal and Muhammad Sadiq Khan
Agroforestry is a multidisciplinary effort to increase the overall production through a combination of trees and crops. This study attempts to find out the multifunctional role of agroforestry, such as productive role, services role and farmer’s attitude towards agroforestry in District Dir Lower, Pakistan. For data collection, comprehensive questionnaire was used and 200 respondents were interviewed from 40 villages through random sampling. Results showed that people highly preferred productive value and moderately preferred services value of agroforestry. According to the respondents feedback 83.5% were owner of the land and cultivated the land themselves. The common irrigation system was rain fed (54.5%) and 50.5% of respondents were followed Agrosilvo system in the study area. The fast growing timber tree species (N=20-120) were Ailanthus altissima, Morus alba, and Populous nigra on their farmlands generating 20,000-40,000 PKR. (Pakistani rupees) income annually. From the fruit trees such as Juglans regia, Citrus species, and Prunus domestica income was 10,000-15,000 PKR annually. The majority 36.5% of respondents depended for fuel wood having PKR 5000-35,000. Different types of agricultural crops i.e. wheat, rice, maize, brassica and fodder crops along with farm trees were cultivated. Ecosystem services were reported by 89.6% respondents with positive affect. It was concluded that agroforestry found best than traditional agriculture system in income generation. The percentages of land use classes were correlated with satellite classified data and found significant correlation with agroforestry services. This study will help in future in implementing agroforestry system in uplifting the socio economic condition of the community in study area.
To Cite this article:
Hayat, M., T. Zha, S.M. Nizami, S. Gulzar, A. Khan, S. Iqbal and M.S. Khan. 2020. Productive role of agroforestry system in context of ecosystem services in district Dir lower, Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 52(4): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-4(21)