The correlation between eco-restoring modes and soil quality succession during plant re-vegetation in large-scale mining areas
Donggang Guo, Zeyu Shi, Hua Li, Zhongke Bai and Hongbo Shao
By using the fixed monitoring sample sites of two re-vegetation modes in the opencast coal mine dump of Zhongmei Pingsuo as platform, we analyzed the number and the dynamic characteristics of the spatial distribution of all naturally re-generated seedlings in 2010 and 2014, sampled the corresponding soil, and investigated the correlation of two re-vegetation modes and soil quality parameters. Our results indicated that (1) the plant vegetation seedlings of SII site reduced and those of SI site significantly increased, which was opposite to saplings, and in 2014, the number of saplings in SII site substantially increased twice than the number in 2010; (2) from the respective of spatial distribution, the spatial map of seedlings and saplings showed that the their distribution of major species was consistent in 2010 and 2014. The dense and sparse areas in 2010 kept a similar distribution in 2014, which corresponds to the quantity of the species; (3) stepwise linear regression analysis between the survival rates of seedlings and saplings of various species and soil parameters indicated that the survival rate of elm seedlings significantly negatively correlated with soil moisture content and positively correlated with pH, and that the survival rate of locust saplings exhibited an extremely positive correlation to the organic matter content.
To Cite this article:
Guo, D., Z. Shi, H. Li, Z. Bai and H. Shao. 2020. The correlation between eco-restoring modes and soil quality succession during plant re-vegetation in large-scale mining areas. Pak. J. Bot., 52(1): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-1(18)