Genetic variability study of elite guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) germplasm as revealed by SDS-page technique
Sohail Ahmad Jan, Zabta Khan Shinwari, Malik Ashiq Rabbani, Ali Talha Khalil and Azhar Hussain Shah
Biochemical characterization of plant species through SDS-PAGE method plays a key role in seed storage protein based variations. Limited reports are available about the protein profiling of elite Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L. (Guar) germplasm. In present study we have characterized the seed storage protein profiles of elite accessions of guar. The 24 guar germplasm were characterized though standard SDS-PAGE protocol with minor modifications. These genotypes were analyzed with novel 2D and 3D methods to visualize diverged genotypes from the close angle. Significant variability was observed in protein profile of all tested genotypes. The polypeptide band sizes varied from 10-180kDa. Maximum (100%) polymorphic banding patterns were observed among genotypes. The genetic similarity values ranged from 20 to 100% among genotypes. The accessions 28952 and 31682 indicated the highest genetic similarity value (100%). While the lowest similarity value (20%) was recorded between accessions 31731 and 31764. All these genotypes were classified into 7 diverse groups and the last 3 were highly diverged as compared to others. The 2D and 3D protein structure models identified 3 unique accessions like 31764, 31731 and 31761. The resulted novel genotypes will be useful for further improvement of this important plant species
To Cite this article:
Jan, S.A., Z.K. Shinwari, M.A. Rabbani, A.T. Khalil and A.H. Shah. 2019. Genetic variability study of elite guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) germplasm as revealed by SDS-page method. Pak. J. Bot., 51(2): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2019-2(27)