Anatomical and morphological structure of Peganum harmala of Almaty region and its therapeutic properties
Seilkhan A.S., Kudrina N.O, Cherepkova N.V., Kulmanov T.E., Kurmanbayeva M.S., Inelova Z.A. and Shalgimbayeva S.M.
Peganum harmala L. (harmal) is a perennial herbaceous, multistage plant, having an ancient history of use for disinfection purposes, and in modern medicine, the relevance to the widespread use of the multi-purpose therapeutic properties of this species has increased. Evaluation of raw material base of harmal will allow balanced use as a dye and alkaloid medicinal plant in certified medicine. Peganum harmala L. showed resistance to external influences, since the influence of various environmental factors on the soil cover of southeast Kazakhstan led to an increase in degraded areas, in which it was found abundant growth of this plant. The results of geobotanical studies carried out over the last 2015-2018 show that the raw material base of Peganum harmala L. causes wide application in medicine. In connection with the rich resource of Peganum harmala L.,it shows interest of local and domestic consumers for the application of raw materials in the form of an extract. In laboratory conditions, to identify signs of resistance to various conditions, complex studies were conducted to the the morphological and anatomical structure. Morphological characteristic and the anatomical structure of Peganum harmala L. were determined. Signs of stability are ring-shaped sclerenchyma in stems and roots, as well as the presence of a two-sided columnar mesophyll in leaves. To assess the therapeutic properties Peganum harmala L. experimental studies were conducted in the laboratory of pharmacodynamics and immunopharmacology and the influence of the water-alcohol extract of this plant on the metabolism of rats with alimentary obesity was investigated
To Cite this article:
Seilkhan, A.S., N.O. Kudrina, N.V. Cherepkova, T.E. Kulmanov, M.S. Kurmanbayeva, Z.A. Inelova and S.M. Shalgimbayeva. 2019. Anatomical and morphological structure of Peganum harmala of Almaty region and its therapeutic properties. Pak. J. Bot., 51(2): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2019-2(30)