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Comparative analysis of sugarcane genotypes for post-harvest deterioration under natural conditions

Muhammad Tahir Khan, Shafquat Yasmeen and Imtiaz Ahmed Khan


Post-harvest sugarcane deterioration is a vexing and worrisome problem of the sugar industry as such losses diminish the economic returns of the farmers as well as the mills. This study was initiated to investigate the post-harvest differences among three sugarcane genotypes (1026-P7, NIA-S3, and 1254) and one check variety (Thatta-10) subjected to staling for a period of seven days. Post-harvest changes were determined for cane weight, sucrose, brix, dextran, bacterial density, and juice yields. All of the genotypes evaluated in this study showed decline in cane weight on staling. NIA-S3 exhibited minimum rate of decline, whereas highest rate of cane weight reduction was observed in Thatta-10. Final cane weight losses of 1.85%, 2.05%, 2.054% and 2.16% on day 7 were recorded for NIA-S3, 1026-P7, 1254, and Thatta-10, respectively. A gradual drop in sucrose percentage was seen. 1254 showed lowest rate of decline for sucrose, whereas highest rate of sucrose losses was observed in 1026-P7 which was recorded 8.81% sucrose on day 7 against 14.46% on day 1. Contrarily, brix percentage of the clones was seen to increase over time. Thatta-10 showed minimal brix% values and the lowest rate of rise in this parameter. On the other hand, highest values were recorded for 1254 as its brix% was increased from 19.66 to 25.13%. Furthermore, manifold increase in dextran was observed in all the genotypes. 1026-P7 showed maximum progression in dextran levels ultimately showing dextran contents of 1316 ppm on day 7. The least rate of dextran formation was noticed for Thatta-10. Bacterial density was also estimated to rise in cane juice for initial days of staling, while pH of the cane juice lessened continuously over time. The juice yields per unit weight were observed to reduce at highest rate for 1026-P7 as its juice quantity was decreased by 51.29% during the study period. In this study, NIA-S3 showed minimum cane weight losses. Moreover, 1254 and NIA-S3 relatively maintained their sugar contents over time. These clones can be optimal candidates for cultivation in areas distant from the vicinity of sugar mills. Growing such post-harvest losses resistant genotypes would be extremely important to farmers as well as the sugar industry to minimize their economic damages from cut-to-crush delays.

To Cite this article: Khan, M.T., S. Yasmeen and I.A. Khan. 2020. Comparative analysis of sugarcane genotypes for post-harvest deterioration under natural conditions. Pak. J. Bot., 52(4): DOI:

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