Assessment of genetic diversity in pea (Pisum sativum L.) landraces based on physico-chemical and nutritive quality using cluster and principal component analysis
Uzma Arif, Muhammad Jamil Ahmed, Malik Ashiq Rabbani and Ayaz Ahmed Arif
Field pea (Pisum sativum L.) is an important protein-rich pulse crop produced globally. Genetic and environmental factors lead to a variation in protein content and also influence the quality of seed of dry pea (Pisum sativum L.). The area and production for dry peas are increasing but knowledge is lacking on how the pea landraces differ in the seed quality. The purpose of the present study was biochemical characterization of 46 pea landraces in order to evaluate the moisture content, fat, fiber, protein, ash, phenolic content, carbohydrates, pH, chlorophyll content and TSS. The data obtained after biochemical analysis were subjected to statistical analysis. The cluster analysis indicated the probable association within 46 pea landraces. Landraces L7, L13, L19, L25, L26, L27, L30 and A43 were showing variation in term of analyzed biochemical traits. Correlation coefficients among all the biochemical traits were computed. Ash content was showing maximum positive and highly significant correlation with moisture content (0.583**), phenolic content (0.76**) and fat (0.371**). Fiber was showing highly significant and positivele correlation with three characters which were: protein (0.455**), total soluble solid (0.437**), and fat (0.399**). Positive and highly significant association was found among carbohydrate and pH (0.418**). Fat content was showing positive and significant correlation with moisture content (0.316*), protein (0.313*) and total soluble solid (0.312*), respectively. These findings can be used to guide future breeding studies and germplasm management of these pea landraces. Based on our findings, it is recommended that pea landraces which performed well in the experiment and bear bright future prospects should be considered in designing future hybridization programs to elucidate the correlation among various biochemical aspects at molecular level among different pea genotypes
To Cite this article:
Arif, U., M.J. Ahmed, M.A. Rabbani and A.A. Arif. 2020. Assessment of genetic diversity in pea (Pisum sativum L.) landraces based on physico-chemical and nutritive quality using cluster and principal component analysis. Pak. J. Bot., 52(2): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-2(2)