Paper Details


Effects of different concentrations of potassium chloride on some growth parameters of Solanum melongena L.

Sher Wali, Siraj-Ud-Din, Muhammad Junaid, Gulzad Ahmad and Fazli Rahim


This study was aimed to find the effects of various molar concentrations of KCl (0.1M, 0.2M, 0.3M and 0.4M) on some growth parameters of Solanum melongena L. (eggplant). The parameters included stem height, leaf length, number of leaves, fresh and dry weight of plant, width of leaf and length of root index were investigated. The plant which is subjected to the highest concentration of KCl drastically effects the plant life cycle as well as productivity of plant. Much of the healthy and strongest plant is formed in control condition as compare to these which received KCl with different concentration. Salinity stress significantly decreased average height of shoot i.e. 30.53cm in control while the least i.e. 10.2cm at 0.4 conc. of KCl. Similarly, average number of leaves i.e. 17.43cm in control while the least i.e. 5.01 at 0.4 conc. of KCl. Likewise average length of leaf i.e. 18.04cm in control while the least i.e. 9.96cm at 0.4 conc. of KCl. Average Fresh and dry weight of plant i.e. 27.96g and 9.12g respectively in control while the least i.e. 7.01g and 2.025g at 0.4 conc. of KCl. Similarly average width of leaf i.e. 7.88cm in control while the least i.e. 3.88cm at 0.4 conc. of KCl. Likewise average length of root i.e. 18.75cm in control while the least i.e. 6.90cm at 0.4 conc. of KCl. These indexes show the same response to different concentration of KCl which means that the concentration and the response of the above indexes are inversely proportional to each other. Greater the concentration of KCl lower will be the response of the above indexes and vice versa. It was concluded that different growth parameters of the eggplant were affected adversely along increased treatments of KCl

To Cite this article: Wali, S., S.U. Din, M. Junaid, G. Ahmad and F. Rahim. 2020. Effects of different concentrations of potassium chloride on some growth parameters of Solanum melongena L. Pak. J. Bot., 52(6): DOI:

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