A step towards the documentation of indigenous knowledge about the medicinal plants in Mollagori: a tribal war affected area of FATA, Pakistan
Nafees Ullah, Siraj-Ud-Din, Fazli Rahim, Rainer W. Bussmann, Hammad Ahmad Jan and Sher Wali
The present work was conducted with the aim to record the ethnic medicinal knowledge. This work is the first effort to document the folk knowledge of medicinal plants. From 2013-14, 87 participants were interviewed through semi-structured questionnaires. During the field work 45 medicinal plants belonging to 27 families were encountered. Lamiaceae was the dominant family in terms of species (5 sp.). The most common life form was herbs (60%), and leaves (16 sp. 28%) were most commonly used in various ailments. The most important mode of preparation was decoction (34.88%). According to FI value was Ziziphus nummularia (0.42) was the most important species. The highest ICF value was recorded for Anti-Poisoning (0.928) recipes, and the maximum Jaccard Similarity Index in comparison with Malakand Pass Hills (14.16%). The documentation of the therapeutic flora shows that the use of medicinal plants in the study area plays a vital role in the basic healthcare system of the native communities. The predominant use of whole plants and seed is an alarming situation for the conservation of local medicinal flora. Therefore, education of the local communities about the conservation of medicinal plants is the need. This work will also serve as baseline for future investigations.
To Cite this article:
Ullah, N., S. Uddin, F. Rahim, R.W. Bussmann, H.A. Jan and S. Wali. 2021. A step towards the documentation of indigenous knowledge about the medicinal plants in Mollagori: a tribal war affected area of FATA, Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 53(5): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2021-5(4)