Development of sequencing technology and role of next generation sequencing technologies in wheat research: a review
Md Shaheenuzzamn, Tianxiang Liu, Shandang Shi, Peipei An, Hongqi Wu And Zhonghua Wang
Sequencing is a fundamental component in the life science research. Sanger method known as first-generation sequencing technologies (FGSTs) was the first successful sequencing method introduced in 1977. Considering time and financial advantage, second-generation technology was introduced in 2005 which is also called as next-generation sequencing technologies (NGSTs). These technologies have significantly high throughput compared with FGSTs, and make break through revolution in the study of genomics and molecular biology. To overcome the mandatory sample amplification regarding the read length and the bias of the NGSTs, third-generation sequencing technologies (TGSTs) were introduced. Third-generation long-range sequencing and mapping approaches are making a renaissance in high-quality genome sequencing. The recent developments of the fourth generation sequencing methods hold great promises and expect to offer most important contribution in these key areas. Currently, NGSTs use most of the genomics field, third-, and fourth-generation approaches make a significant solution in the genomics era. Wheat is one the major crop species which is closely related with the development of agriculture and straighten of societies. The demands of wheat are increasing day by day which necessitate improvement of wheat genomics and functional genomics. Wheat yield has been accelerated by the advances of NGSTs that focused genome sequencing, genomic polymorphism, genes cloning and development of technical platforms. This review discussed about the development of sequencing technologies, wheat development through NGSTs and future outlook. This review is mostly targeted for the beginners (new students/ researchers) who have intended to work with NGSTs
To Cite this article:
Shaheenuzzamn, Md. T. Liu, S. Shi, P. An, H. Wu and Z. Wang. 2020. Development of sequencing technology and role of next generation sequencing technologies in wheat research: a review. Pak. J. Bot., 52(5): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-5(33)