Effect of four plant extracts against Trogoderma granarium and Tribolium castaneum
Gul Makai Panezai, Mariam Javaid, Sadaf Shahid, Wasia Noor, Zohra Bibi and Ambreen Ejaz
The storage of food products and grains against creepy-crawly creatures that damage the crops is a serious problem throughout the World. The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of four plants extract Peppermint (Mentha piperita), Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and Lemon blam (Melissa officinalis) against two pests Trogoderma grananium and Tribolium castaneum to check the percent mortality rate of larvae and adults. For the preparation of extract fresh leaves of concern plants were collected and dried. The dried leaves were grinded and each plant samples (5grams) were soaked in 100 ml of ethanol. The liquid extracts were filtered and poured for experimental purpose. Three replications were made for each treatment. Statistical analysis was done by RCB method and package used for calculation was M-statC. Results revealed that all the plants extract had lethal effect against adults and larvae of both stored pests as compared to control treatment. Rosmarinus officinalis extract was the most efficient against the adults of both stored grain pests, causing 58.67% mortality in Tribolium castaneum and 80.00% mortality in Trogoderma grananium. Similarly, Rosmarinus officinalis also showed maximum mortality against Tribolium castaneum larvae (58.67%) and Trogoderma grananium larvae (65%). It is concluded from the above results that Rosmarinus officinalis showed the highest mortality rate against larvae and adult of both stored grain pests. Insecticidal effects of plants extract have been considered to be most effective and accessible to control several insect pests. This biological method for controlling stored grain pest is an efficient technique as compared to chemical method because of their high toxicity that affects the quality of crop and very costly which is not affordable.
To Cite this article:
Panezai, G.M., M. Javaid, S. Shahid, W. Noor, Z. Bibi and A. Ejaz. 2019. Effect of four plant extracts against Trogoderma granarium and Tribolium castaneum. Pak. J. Bot., 51(3): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2019-3(40)