A study on the structure of Rhus typhina secondary phloem and resin canals
Meng Zhao, Lulu Zhao, Yunxia Wang and Shupeng Wu
Rhus typhina is a kind of indigenous species to North America, it has been accommodated in many mountain areas in north China because of this species can display luxuriant growth in different habitat even in unfertile soils. In this study, we observed the morphology and ultra structure of secondary phloem and resin canal. We focus on the detailed observation of the microstructure and ultrastructure of the secondary phloem and resin canal, and to figure out the characteristics on the structure and the secretory process of epithelial cells. Our results showed that the structure of the secondary phloem exhibits the characteristics of typical temperate trees. And the mature resin canal of Rhus typhina comprised epithelial cells delimiting a long, round lumen, where secretions accumulate in the lumen. In the active epithelial cell, Golgi apparatus shaped secretory granules with monoï¬lm, then move to attach on the plasma membrane and fused with the internal flocculent material of secretory granule was then released to the lumen side of periplasmic space, and finally, the excretion spread to the lumen and formed the secretions. This study shows the details of information on the structure of the Rhus typhina secondary phloem and epithelial cells, and the secretion process
To Cite this article:
Zhao, M., L. Zhao, Y. Wang and S. Wu. 2021. A study on the structure of Rhus typhina secondary phloem and resin canals. Pak. J. Bot., 53(2): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2021-2(11)