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Morpho-histological studies of three Romanian Solidago species

Luciana Dobjanschi, Eva Brigitta Patay, Lumini?a Fritea, Mircea T?ma?, Alexandru Jurca, Claudia Jurca and Mihaela Zdrinca


Solidago species, originally from North America, are successfully used in medicine due to their pharmacological effects. The most common part of Solidago plants used for its pharmacological effects is the herba, and in spite of their multiple uses, there is insufficient information about their taxonomical description in scientific literature. Due to this reason, the stems, leaves and flowers of Solidago virgaurea, Solidago gigantea and Solidago canadensis were studied more deeply by using scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy. The detected morpho-histological features of Romanian Solidago species add new scientific data to the available records of the species. Compared with the known data, our results confirmed significant and distinctive features of these taxa which can be used as taxonomical markers for the identification of these selected species. In addition, in order to demonstrate the diuretic action of the three Solidago species, a comparative analysis was performed concerning the diuretic and saluretic action of the extracts and substances isolated from these plants

To Cite this article: Dobjanschi, L., E.B. Patay, L. Fritea, M. T?ma?, A. Jurca, C. Jurca and M. Zdrinca. 2021. Morpho-histological studies of three Romanian Solidago species. Pak. J. Bot., 53(1): DOI:

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