An appraisal of ethnobotanical investigation of indigenous flora from a high temperature affected area in the southern Punjab, Pakistan
Nadeem Ahmed, Muhmmad Anees and Lixin Zhang
Traditional herbal medicine uses cultural knowledge and practices for maintenance of human health. In economically poor regions of Pakistan such as Distric Rajanpur, the majority of people rely on traditional medicines. Since such practices have not been rigorously and systematically studied or reported, a quantitative ethnobotanical study was conducted to document the medicinal plants and their uses in traditional herbal therapies which will help in developing socio-economic reforms in health-care systems. Rapid appraisal approach (RAA), Used value (UV), and Informant census factor (ICF) were used to analyze the data which was collected during spring-summer (March to June) and monsoon season to winter (August to December, 2014). A total of 64 medicinal plants belonging to 56 genera and 34 families were reported to be effective for 08 major ailments in the local healthcare system of Rajanpur, Punjab Province, Pakistan. Among medicinal plants, Acacia nilotica used in the treatment to purifier blood, laxative and anticonvulsant had the highest used value (UV=0.88). Poaceae, the predominant family contributed 08 species. Leaves (31.3%) were the major parts of the plant used in herbal therapies. Eleven medicinal plants were used for the treatment of skin diseases and rheumatism. The highest informant census factor (0.80) was reported for the respiratory systems problems. Quantitative analyses made of collected data indicated that medicinal plants were an integral part of the life of district Rajanpur. The vegetation of the study area comprises valuable to its natural resources are used for the treatment of various ailments.
To Cite this article:
Ahmed, N., M. Anees and L. Zhang. 2019. An appraisal of ethnobotanical investigation of indigenous flora from a high temperature affected area in the southern Punjab, Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 51(4): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2019-4(32)