Paper Details


Identification of polyphenols in homogenetic and heterogenetic combination of cherry grafting

Sultan Filiz Guclu


The aim of the study is to determine the role of phenolic compounds in different cherry grafting combinations. For this purpose, 5 graft combinations of the Regina cultivar (Regina/Prunus avium, Regina/Prunus mahaleb, Regina/Gisela 5, Regina/Tabel Edabriz and Regina/MaxMa 14) were used. The phenolic substances found in the bark samples collected above and below the graft union were investigated one year after the graft’s application. The bark samples were extracted and then analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The presence of phenolic compounds, such as prunin, procyanidin B1 and chlorogenic acid, are thought to play an active role in the graft fusion process. The accumulation of phenolic substances in the homogenetic combination (Regina/Prunus avium) was found to be lower than that in the heterogenetic combinations (Regina/Gisela 5, Regina/Tabel Edabriz and Regina/MaxMa14). The Regina/Gisela 5 combination posed more risk in terms of graft healing, while the Regina/MaxMa 14 combination yields similar results to that of rootstocks of the same origin. 

To Cite this article: Guclu, S.F. 2019. Identification of polyphenols in homogenetic and heterogenetic combination of cherry grafting. Pak. J. Bot., 51(6): DOI:

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