Paper Details


Ecology of Pinus sylvestris L. forests - a case study from Istanbul (Turkey)

Volkan Altay


This study evaluates the P. sylvestris forest community in Istanbul (Turkey). It also includes some of its ecological features. The study was carried out during 2014-2017. P. sylvestris community in Istanbul generally grows on sandy and loamy soils, with moderately acidic, non-calcified, non-saline soils with high organic matter content. The soils contain low levels of phosphorus and adequate levels of potassium. The community is distributed between 50-305 m in the area studied. Tree layer dominantly consists of P. sylvestris. However, occasional existence of Quercus infectoria, Q. cerris and individual existence of Q. robur has also been identified. Although shrub layer is often common, the herbaceous layer is not well developed. The most widespread species in the shrub layer are Rosa canina, Rubus canescens, Crataegus monogyna, Quercus pubescens, Phillyrea latifolia, Erica arborea, Arbutus unedo, Osyris alba, Cistus salviifolius and Cistus creticus. The most widespread species in the herbaceous layer are Brachpodium sylvaticum, Dactylis glomerata ssp. hispanica, Inula oculus-christi and Stachys byzantinum. An examination of floristic composition of the current community in the research area has revealed that the character species of Quercetea pubencentis class. It is also represented by the species of Mediterranean origin belonging to the Quercetea ilicis and Cisto-Micromerietea classes in the shrub layer of the community.

To Cite this article: Altay, V. 2019. Ecology of Pinus sylvestris L. forests - a case study from Istanbul (Turkey). Pak. J. Bot., 51(5): DOI:

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