Paper Details


The effect of black seed oil (Nigella sativa) on in vitro digestibility, chemical and fermentation characteristics of Hungarian vetch-wheat silage

Gizem Arican and Asuman Arslan Duru


The aim of the study to determine some chemical, fermentation properties and In vitro organic matter digestibility, metabolisable energy and net energy lactation contents of silages obtained by adding black seed (Nigella sativa) oil to vetch-wheat mixtures at different levels. For this purpose, 0.00% (control), 0.02, 0.04, 0.08 and 1.60 levels of black seed oil were added to the vetch-wheat in laboratory conditions and the ensiling period was 75 days. According to the findings obtained from the study, dry matter and organic matter contents of silages were significantly increased by adding the black seed oil compared to the control group (p<0.01). It has been determined that the differences in crude protein, ether extract, crude ash, NDF, ADF, pH and propionic acid, In vitro organic digestibility, metabolisable energy and net energy lactation contents of silages are not statistically significant (p>0.05). However, the lactic acid content of the silages was increased with the addition of black seed oil by 1.60% (p<0.05). Ammonia nitrogen and butyric acid contents were not determined in the experiment silages. At the end of the research, it was concluded that silage can be obtained at good quality by adding 1.60% of black seed oil to Hungarian vetch-wheat silages.

To Cite this article: Arican, G. and A.A. Duru. 2020. The effect of black seed oil (Nigella sativa) on in vitro digestibility, chemical and fermentation characteristics of Hungarian vetch-wheat silage. Pak. J. Bot., 52(2): DOI:

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